The most lonesome story ever told, 1998
Stainless steel, 150 x 130 x 85 cm
This work is a praise to the classic western movies and especially for those scenes where the most hardened villa in camping out round the fire, under a starlit sky telling a long and gripping story about himself, to soon after pour out his coffee in the dying down flames of the fire to erase his own story and his own history.
Born in Gävle 1962. Lives and works in Sikeå, Västerbotten. Education: Gerlesborgsskolan, Stockholm and College of Fine Arts, Umeå. Exhibitions inselection; Paul Morris Gallery, New York 1995, Toy Store Lace, Los Angeles 1997, Start, Stockholm 1998, Tensta Konsthall, 1999, Dalarnas Museum, Falun, 2004, Gävle Konstcentrum, 2004, Galleri Brändström & Stene, Stockholm, 2006, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2006, Eskilstuna Konsthall, 2006.